Concidering Socomate's field of activity, we put quality control as our top priority in order to provide the most reliable UT electronics possible.
The advantages of a good quality management include:
- Cost reduction. When applied consistently over time, TQM can reduce costs throughout an organization, especially in the areas of procurement, assembly and tests.
- Customer satisfaction. Since we have better products and services, our interactions with our partners are almost error-free. With a high level of customer satisfaction we grew strong and long-term relationships with our customers.
- Defect reduction. our quality management has a strong emphasis on improving quality within a process, rather than inspecting quality into a process. This not only reduces the time needed to fix errors, but makes it less likely to have some.
- Morale. The ongoing and proven success of our quality management policies, and in particular with the participation of all our employees lead to a noticeable improvement in employees happiness , which in return bring also more customer satisfaction.
As a proof of our committment, the company obtained approvals from most Standards & Approvals such as: European, Rolls Royce, General Electric, Russian (GOST), Chinese, Nuclear...